Visual Jury Report

Our Visual Jury Report is a simple, easy-to-read document. We distill our research into a highly-graphical presentation, allowing trial lawyers to absorb the most pertinent information about each juror in a matter of seconds.

Your Jury, At a Glance

Trial lawyers don’t have time to pore over comprehensive reports in the middle of voir dire. Our Visual Jury Reports are simple and easy-to-read. We focus on about a dozen salient data points for each potential juror. Each juror’s information is arranged in a matrix on a single page so you can take it all in at a glance. As often as we can, we use photos and graphics from social media to tell the story of your juror’s life.

Here is the information we seek to include in the Visual Jury Report:

1. Name, Age, Race: The basic demographic information about your juror.

2. Profile Photo: See how jurors present themselves to their friends and family.

3. Home: View the street view of a juror’s home. If we determine that they own it, we can provide the value of the property.

4. Education: Discover where a juror went to school, what they studied, and their highest degree earned.

5. Employment: Where does your potential juror work, and what kind of job do they have?

6. Voter Registration: Democrat or Republican? Independent or unregistered? We can often find your juror’s party affiliation and the last time they voted.

7. Lifestyle: Do they like to hunt, or do they prefer baking? We’ll use photos from social media to paint a picture of the juror’s interests.

8. Socio-economics: Have they sent their kids to college? Do they take vacations? What kind of car do they drive. Photos bring details like these to life.

9. Politics and Religion: Often, political and religious memes from social media help us indicate a potential juror’s world view.